Distractor font an old letterpress typeface with free download

Hey there, quick heads up about this blog post – it's a bit outdated. I've made some changes since this was published. I've left my job to focus entirely on creating fonts. Because of this shift, the font mentioned here is no longer available for free. Plus, I've moved from WordPress to Shopify, and I'm juggling a lot right now, so I won't be able to keep this post updated. Thanks for understanding!

The Distractor font is now available for download! This unique font draws its inspiration from the captivating styles of old letterpress printing and meticulously handcrafted lettering. It's a labor of love for me, as it marks my third font creation.

Embarking on this creative journey has been an incredible learning experience. I've been honing my skills, continuously pushing myself to improve. It's essentially learning on the fly, right on the job. My primary goal was to capture the essence of a hand-printed font – but how did I achieve that?

I kicked things off by crafting textures using a printing roller and ink. This process bestowed just the right amount of design grit to convey that hand-printed aesthetic. The textures turned out so remarkable that I decided to offer them for sale in my shop.

Once these texture treasures were refined in Photoshop, I took them to Illustrator for vectorization. However, I encountered a challenge. The intricate texture details proved to be a bit too much for the font design software, Fontographer. It's frustratingly temperamental and unreliable. I hold out hope that someone will step into this arena and develop better software one day.

Simplicity became my guiding principle. What you see in the screenshots represents only about 30% of the detail from my original Photoshop creations – an inconvenience, to say the least. I've yet to discover the maximum number of vector points permissible in a glyph; that information eludes me.

So, what's included in the Distractor Font package? I've crafted lowercase and uppercase letters, along with numbers. Additionally, you'll find a selection of essential characters, such as a period, comma, dash, and equal glyph. Below, you can preview some samples showcasing the distinctive charm of Distractor Slab Serif.

Stay tuned for updates!