Cinemagraph Game of Thrones featuring Rob and Ned Stark Daenerys

Hello there! Just a quick note about this blog post – it's a bit outdated. Since writing this, I've made some significant changes. I've left my job to fully focus on creating fonts, and I've also migrated from WordPress to Shopify. With all these changes and a lot on my plate, I won't be able to keep this post updated. I appreciate your understanding!

Exploring Cinemagraphs

Cinemagraphs have been in the spotlight for a while now. If you're not familiar with them, you can head over to HuffPost where creators discuss what they actually are. In my own words, they're like fancy animated GIFs on steroids!

Cinemagraph: Game of Thrones Edition

As a die-hard Game of Thrones fan, I couldn't resist the urge to try and create cinemagraphs using clips I found on the internet. Finding the right source material proved to be a bit challenging, but I gave it my best shot – not perfect, but I'm content with the results.

The key challenge lies in finding a clip with a static camera shot and minimal movement from the subjects, ensuring a seamless loop. Achieving that smooth loop is the trickiest part as elements tend to shift around quite a bit.

I created these cinemagraphs in Photoshop as animated GIFs. I selected the area I wanted to animate and masked out the rest to keep it static. While they are relatively easy to make, I must admit that capturing your own footage with this technique in mind would yield even better results, allowing for more precise staging.

Now, back to the world of Game of Thrones. I made sure not to use any clips that contained spoilers, so no worries on that front. Without further ado, here are my attempts at creating cinemagraphs, featuring Rob Stark, Ned Stark, Tyrion Lannister, Robert Baratheon, and Daenerys Targaryen. And as they say, "Winter is coming!"

Rob Stark Cinemagraph

Game of Thrones

Behold the candles – they're flickering!

Cinemagraph of Ned Stark

Game of Thrones

It's unfortunate about Ned – only the background is in motion, or is it?

Flags in the Wind

Game of Thrones

Just some flags swaying in the breeze.

Tyrion Lannister

Game of Thrones

Our beloved Tyrion – always up to something mischievous.

Robert Baratheon

Game of Thrones

The big fellow himself, deep in conversation.

Tyrion & Bron

Game of Thrones

It's Tyrion and Bron, captured in Cinemagraphic glory.

Daenerys Targaryen Meeting

Game of Thrones

That's all for you, Game of Thrones fans. Thanks for dropping by!